
Is 25 too early to get philosophical? Is 25 too late to still not know where you're headed?
Is 25 too early to consider marriage? Is 25 too late to still not have found your soulmate?
Is 25 too early to book your own house? Is 25 too late to still not have moved out of your parents home?
Is 25 too early to want to retire? Is 25 too late to still not have started planning your retirement?
Is 25 too early to start reading spiritualistic stuff? Is 25 too late to still not have gone beyond Asterix and Tintin?
Is 25 too early to be watching Baba Ramdev's yoga demos? Is 25 too late to still not have stopped watching Cartoon Network?
Is 25 too early to want to go to the Himalayas? Is 25 too late to still not have have seen even half of the city you live in?
Is 25 too early to think you are losing hair? Is 25 too late to still not have worried about hair loss?
Is 25 too early to reflect on what you've done in life? Is 25 to late to still not be bothered by life around you?
Is 25 too early to want to stop making new friends? Is 25 too late to still not have stopped exchanging numbers with almost everyone you meet?
Is 25 too early to be meeting Owners and Directors of companies? Is 25 too late to still not have gone past the Assistant to the Assistant to the Assistant of the Assistant Manager's office?
Is 25 too early to want to start off your own thing? Is 25 too late to still not have found your feet where you've been working for 3 years?
Is 25 too early to be writing something like this? Is 25 too late have not thought of all the stuff above?
Fortunately, or should I say unfortunately, its never too late or too early to be 25. One fine day, you just are 24 no more.