Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Hung over on yesterday's post

For what its worth, "Life's like that"...

These thoughts cross your mind

They steal all the peace you have
It isn't good at all
It isn't good at all

They stick around too long
And wear you down to nothing
It isn't good at all
It isn't good at all

You wish they'd just go away
And not lead you astray
It isn't good at all
It isn't good at all

That's not one problem we're talking my friend
That's life for you, as long as you live
Its just NOT FAIR at all
Its just NOT FAIR at all

So, just deal with it old buddy
And take it on the chin, you'll see
It ain't that bad after all
It ain't that bad after all

Try fighting it and you mess things up
Just play along and live it up, you'll see
It ain't that bad after all
It ain't that bad after all

God bless you pal, and hope you're doing fine
Don't chuck it away, I bet you'll regret it, 'coz
It ain't worth that at all
It just ain't worth that at all

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Of Death and Divorces

I still do not know what it is thats prompting me to put these strange things that run around through the shambles of what I hope I can still call my mind down. But I guess these things are affecting me enough, if I still find it in me to sit at my computer and hit away at the keyboard after having spent the last two days at work.

Why is it that youngsters today are giving in so easily. Is life THAT bad? I don't think so.

A student at one of India's premier institute's committed suicide, and the matter was suppodedly hushed up for close to a week. Death attributed to pressure of not performing "within the system". I say so because the report said the student was known on campus as one among the networking gurus, comp geniuses, and nerd junta on campus. Also came to know that none of the faculty attended the funeral and neither was mourning observed on campus. We'll deal with the hypocritic bureaucracy some other time. This time around, the point not being why the matter was hushed or is it something to do with the way things work at a premier engineering institue; its about - whether there is anything in this world thats worth giving up your life for? I don't think so.

Divorce rates in India are skyrocketing. Numbers have gone up manifold in the last few years. What happened to the times where we believed that you married just once? I'm not 80 and do not advocate sticking to a bad marriage just because you were brought up being taught about the sanctity of the institution called marriage. But I still believe that its a sacred union of two people coming together (hopefully for a lifetime of happiness). Why is it then that things are changing so drastically? Is it that these reasons being cited today were there all along and its just that people are acting upon what they feel today ? OR Are people today being paired up so wrongly in the sacrosanct institution of marriage? I don't think so.

Both of the above mark an end. One of a glorious gift called life. And the other of a sense of belonging, a bond of love, a feeling of togetherness called marriage. What brings the generation of today to END both these really beautiful instituions? I call life an institution because it must have been one hell of a task for Him to come up with something as ingenius as life (for the atheists - it definitely takes a lot to make 206 bones, hundreds of muscles and so many organs work together in tandem). When we are incapable of handling such an institution, what in the world gives us the right to put an end to it? I'm not saying its easy. But I'm sure that there's nothing that's worth just giving it away. The institution of marriage does leave a lot to be debated over (given the practices in India), but I'm bringing this up taking into consideration the underlying thought behind this institution. Two people feeling a sense of responsibility towards each other (a simple practical definition - so as not to get into moral debates now). Is responsibility towards ONE other human being so much of a burden? In times where people manage dollar salaries and sports cars, is it so difficult for these very people to shoulder your responsibility to one person (who by the way you would care about [in love marriages] or at least try to care about [in arranged marriages])?

As I see it, Educational failures - not "to-die-for". Job failures - not "to-die-for". Any failure - not "to-die-for". A disagreement - not "divorce-worthy". An in-law dispute -
not "divorce-worthy". Any squabble -not "divorce-worthy". Are we gonna give up so easily? I don't think so.

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